United Nations rights body should act to recognize the right to a healthy environment


When United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council at the start of its current session three weeks ago, she told governments: “Solving the triple global environmental crisis is a humanitarian imperative, a human rights imperative. , an imperative of peace consolidation and an imperative of development.

During this board meeting, two major initiatives were proposed to respond to the multidimensional imperative stated by Bachelet. As the session draws to a close, governments should seize this crucial opportunity to protect the environment and support these initiatives.

The first is a resolution recognizing the right to a healthy environment. The initiative reflects a growing call by states, UN agencies, NGOs, unions and business groups to address the global environmental crisis as one of the main human rights concerns of the 21st century. Global recognition of this right will help local communities defend their livelihoods, health and culture against environmental destruction, and help governments develop stronger environmental protection laws and policies. more consistent.

The second initiative would create a United Nations special rapporteur on climate change and human rights. This new post of independent expert would help increase accountability for climate change-related rights violations and guide governments on how to meet their rights obligations in the face of climate change through country visits and communications to governments, studies and expert consultations.

Adopting these resolutions would send an important signal to many communities around the world already hard hit by environmental degradation. This could enhance efforts to provide those most affected with the tools and support needed to protect their lives and rights from unprecedented environmental damage.

Members of the Human Rights Council in Geneva have a unique opportunity to recognize this reality and ensure that their actions are consistent with their commitment to address the global environmental crisis. A few weeks before the COP 26 world climate summit, it is a question of credibility for governments who aspire to do their part to save the planet. And it is a matter of respect for fundamental rights and survival for millions of people around the world who urgently need their governments to finally recognize and resolve crises.


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